DocketAD is a secure digital platform for communication and file sharing between the parties, the arbitral tribunal, and arbitrateAD. All institutional arbitration cases will be administered using docketAD. The purpose of docketAD is to provide participants with a secure and efficient way of communicating and sharing documents and relevant information regarding the arbitration. The platform serves as a complete file of the case materials and as an archive for one year after the arbitration is terminated.
1. Accessing docketAD
Upon receipt of a Request for Arbitration, all participants will be invited via email to create an account on the docketAD platform. If they already have an account, they will be invited to access the new arbitration’s “site” on docketAD. Each arbitration is allocated its own individual site within the docketAD platform. Only arbitrateAD and the participants in the arbitration have access to the site. Users involved in multiple arbitrations use the same account to access all sites.
2. Using docketAD
Login page and dashboard
Each arbitration in which you are involved (as an arbitrator, claimant, or respondent) has a dedicated site on docketAD. After logging in, you will automatically be directed to the dashboard. The dashboard contains an overview of the sites (i.e., cases) to which you have access. It also features an overview of recent activity across all sites alongside a list of tasks assigned to you.
Case site – Home
When you click on one of the sites displayed on the dashboard, you will be directed to the site’s home page.

You will find the case number in the top left corner of the page (2024-0001, in the example above). The homepage further details a summary of the case procedure that varies depending on the type of arbitration that you are in. In the example above, a summary of the emergency arbitration procedure is provided. Importantly, you will find the contact details of the arbitrateAD Legal Counsel responsible for your case on the right hand side of the page. The other participants in the arbitration can be found at the bottom of the page.

Scrolling down, you will find the contact details of the other parties as well as the arbitral tribunal.
Case site – files
The files module is where all documents related to the case will be uploaded. This includes the Request for Arbitration and all future submissions, accompanying exhibits, and communication between the tribunal, the parties, and arbitrateAD.
By default, the file directory is set up as follows:

Each folder is set with a number of permissions that differ depending on the user accessing the folder. For example, the claimant can view and upload files within the Claimant folder, but the respondent can only view (but not upload) files in that folder.
As the names indicate, access to the subfolders within the Communication folder are restricted depending on the user. The ‘parties and tribunal’ subfolder will be visible to all parties, while the parties’ subfolders will be visible only to the tribunal and the claimant, and the tribunal and the respondent, respectively. The ‘tribunal’ subfolder will only be visible to members of the tribunal. The ‘secretariat’ subfolder will be visible by all parties.
To safeguard the integrity of the proceedings, no files can be deleted once they have been uploaded onto the platform. If you require any assistance in this regard, please reach out to your arbitrateAD Legal Counsel.
Case site – People

The ‘people’ module features a list of all participants in the arbitration as well as their organization and contact details.
3. Security
DocketAD is powered by HighQ, a world leading supplier of secure digital solutions for the legal profession used and trusted by 250+ law firms, including some of the largest in the world. The system is ISO 27001 certified and has a SOC2 Report. All files are kept in cloud-based storage in high-security facilities with separate back-up facilities at a different location. Both the primary and back-up facilities are located in the UAE. All data is encrypted using military-grade encryption and all files are scanned for malware and viruses when uploaded. The system has numerous security systems in place; two-factor authentication, a single encrypted https entry point, web application firewalls, intrusion detection, log file monitoring, anti-virus, code scanning technologies, etc. The interface and settings are further designed to minimize the risk of human error compromising security or confidentiality. The system is regularly scanned for vulnerabilities by HighQ as well as by third party security experts. In addition, the system is subjected to third-party penetration tests at regular intervals. DocketAD has 99,9 % uptime and any scheduled maintenance downtime will be scheduled to minimise inconvenience to users. HighQ adheres to high confidentiality standards and are contractually bound by confidentiality to the Abu Dhabi International Arbitration Centre. HighQ cannot access any files uploaded to docketAD, nor is it able to view or amend the list of people with access to different sites without the prior permission of arbitrateAD.