ICCA 2024 Hong Kong: International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour

ICCA 2024 Hong Kong: International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour

Event Info


Kristin Campbell-Wilson, ArbitrateAD's Executive Director, will attend the ICCA 2024 congress, where she will be a panellist at the Harbourside Sundowner Event organised by Pinsent Masons. There, she will discuss recent innovations in key Institutional Rules and Arbitration Laws.

ICCA 2024 Hong Kong: International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour

ICCA 2024 Hong Kong: International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour

Kristin Campbell-Wilson, ArbitrateAD's Executive Director, will attend the ICCA 2024 congress, where she will be a panellist at the Harbourside Sundowner Event organised by Pinsent Masons. There, she will discuss recent innovations in key Institutional Rules and Arbitration Laws.